
Project objective:
EU-FarmBook will capitalize on the results of previous projects EURAKNOS and EUREKA, making the data taken up in the platform more FAIR and adding necessary functionalities to the platform based on the users’ needs. Moreover, it will assure the linkage to traditional dissemination channels, such as agricultural journals, on farm demo activities, and training and education initiatives. Therefore, it will work closely with associations of journalists (ENAJ), educational and training institutions and strengthen the ties with EIP-AGRI Service Point.
The aim is that during the first stage of the project the concept of the platform will evolve to an exploitable product that will stimulate the exchange and collaboration between the AKIS actors at an EU wide scale.

Project: EU-FarmBook
Duration: August, 2022 to August, 2029
Funded: Horizon Europe
Lead: University Gent, Belgium
Duration: August, 2022 to August, 2029
Funded: Horizon Europe
Lead: University Gent, Belgium
Role of LKO:
The Austrian Chamber of Agriculture is responsible for the implementation of project-specific activities in Austria.
Contact person in LKO:
Elena-Teodora Miron
Phone: 0043 1/53441-8774
Phone: 0043 1/53441-8774
Further information can be found on the project website (see links on the topic below).