Project objective:
Governments, civil society and consumer groups in many EU member states are promoting short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs) as a means for building more inclusive, resilient and sustainable food systems. However, SFSC initiators, participants and promoters confronted a fragmented knowledge landscape, coupled with a lack of clarity as to essential skills and competencies in all phases from farm to fork.
The COREnet project proposes to respond by supporting the systematic development of more effective SFSC advising, based on bringing together public, private and civic advisors through IT-enabled peer-to-peer learning and mutual support.

Project: COREnet - Connecting advisOrs towaRd a European NETwork for consumer-producer chains
Duration: September 2022 to September 2027
Funded: Horizon Europe 2022
Lead: The Università Degli Studi Di Foggia Italy
Duration: September 2022 to September 2027
Funded: Horizon Europe 2022
Lead: The Università Degli Studi Di Foggia Italy
Role of LKO:
The Austrian Chamber of Agriculture is involved in all work packages and leads the work package for establishing the European Advisory Network and is responsible for organizing European road shows.
Contact person LKO:
Christian Jochum
Phone: 0043 1/53441-8551
Phone: 0043 1/53441-8551
You can find more information on the project website (see links to the topic below).