
Project objective:
ClimateSmartAdvisors is a pan-European multi-actor network covering 27 countries to boost the EU agricultural advisory community, leading to an acceleration of the adoption of climate smart (CS) farming practices by the wider farming community within and across EU AKISs. To reach this objective, ClimateSmartAdvisors focuses on the crucial role of advisors in the development
and dissemination of CS innovations and practices.
The project will organize activities focusing on strengthening the advisors’ capacity in providing CS advice and boosting the advisors’ role through:
1. | an EU-wide network of 260 advisory Communities of Practice (CoP) to support the development of 1500 advisors will form the core of CS knowledge exchange; |
2. | 140 advisors will receive expert training on selected topic; |
3. | CoPs will internationally exchange knowledge on 12 thematic areas; |
4. | a knowledge repository will provide advisors with CS tools, practices and approaches developed in the ClimateFarmDemo project and further expanded in ClimateSmartAdvisors, |
5. | monitoring, evaluation and learning activities will capitalize lessons learned in and outside the project. |

Project: ClimateSmartAdvisors - Connecting and mobilizing the EU agricultural advisory community to support the transition to Climate Smart Farming
Duration: The project will start in April 2023 and will run for seven years.
Funded: Horizon Europe
Lead: Eigen Vermogen Van Het Instituut Voor Landbouw-En Visserijonderzoek – ILVO, Belgium
Duration: The project will start in April 2023 and will run for seven years.
Funded: Horizon Europe
Lead: Eigen Vermogen Van Het Instituut Voor Landbouw-En Visserijonderzoek – ILVO, Belgium
Role of LKO:
The Austrian Chamber of Agriculture leads the work package on AKIS and the Styrian Chamber of Agriculture is the thematic lead of the cluster “energy”. The Chamber of Agriculture of Lower Austria and the Chamber of Agriculture of Vorarlberg contribute with advisors to different expert topics.
Contact person LKO:
Elena-Teodora Miron
Telefon: 0043 1/53441-8774
Telefon: 0043 1/53441-8774
You can find more information on the project website (see links to the topic below).