
Project objective:
FAIRshare aims to improve the effective use of digital applications for farmers and their advisors. For this purpose, an overview of existing applications across Europe has been created and is continually being updated: https://fairshare-pnf.eu/tools
Support for the practical application and use of such tools is provided by a "living laboratory", which gives advisors from all over the EU the opportunity to interact with the online inventory and to exchange, jointly adapt, design and apply digital tools in their individual advisory context in a series of workshops. The FAIRshare 'living lab’ will enable advisors to address challenges to embedding digital tools in different advisory and farming contexts across the EU.

Project: FAIRshare - Farm Advisory digital Innovation tools Realised and Shared
Duration: November 2018 to November 2023
Funded: EU Horizon 2020
Lead: Teagasc - Agricultural and Food Development Authority, Irland
Duration: November 2018 to November 2023
Funded: EU Horizon 2020
Lead: Teagasc - Agricultural and Food Development Authority, Irland
Role of LKO:
By participating in the international research project "FAIRshare", the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture ensures that new knowledge is brought to Austria and practicable solutions are developed specifically for small-scale agriculture.
Contact person in LKO:
Elena-Teodora Miron
Phone: 0043 1/53441-8774
Phone: 0043 1/53441-8774
Further information can be found on the project website and on Social Media (see links on the topic below).